Church Members/ Membership


          We welcome all to become members of Setting Free Church Christians United Once someone accepts Christ, it is essential for that individual to find a place where the Word of God is taught and preached, so that their faith may grow and become strong. Satan never ceases to take away the faith of believers especially new believers. That is why we welcome any and all that are saved and that desire to live for the Lord.

          We request that all members of this Church be active, there are many people that need to be touched by God, We ask that our members participate in any and all outreaches the this ministry endeavors. The harvest is great and the laborers are few. There are plenty of churches with many members but few active believers- it is our goal to grow and to increase not to become large and stagnant.

          We ask that our members attend bible study and all church services. In our culture, it is common to worship as a congregation perhaps once or twice a week- we feel that whenever the church doors are open that our members should be here, supporting the ministers and leaders that God has provided. Serving God is a 24 hour a day 7 day a week commitment, we pray that those that believe enjoy and look forward to the things that God has in store for them.

          We here at Setting Free do not desire to take from another’s flock- Of course we love visitors and visitors are always welcome. Going from one church to another is not recommended by the leadership of this Church. Unless there are circumstances where false doctrine is being preached which is harmful to all. We believe that those that become members of this Church are those that God has called to be here and that God may at times draw some from other places if the a fore mentioned situation applies- Nevertheless we ask that you always seek the Lord first when it comes to all things in life. We encourage our members to be faithful to this ministry and look forward to the unveiling of God’s Plan for your life.



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